
Presentado Croquet 1.0 SDK

Uno de los entornos 3D más prometedores, el proyecto de código abierto Croquet, tiene ya lista la primera versión del SDK para su experimentación. Este software libre está preparado para crear entornos colaborativos tridimensionales, en los que personas de todo el mundo puedan interactuar y compartir información.

"We’re seeking to enable the creation of a rich series of interconnected ‘Croquet worlds’ where people can engage in productive collaborative interactions in support of learning and commerce -- worlds that can be created, maintained and continually modified without the constraints of proprietary computer code," said Julian Lombardi, assistant vice president of Duke’s Office of Information Technology.

Se aleja del software privativo para permitir a cualquiera crear su propio mundo virtual. Está orientado principalmente a científicos, investigadores y educadores, quienes podrían, por ejemplo, compartir información tridimensional acerca del avance de un fenómeno atmosférico.

The Croquet Consortium’s new "3-D Virtual Environments Software Developer’s Kit" (Croquet SDK 1.0) will promote collaboration among far-flung research teams working on everything from cancer cells to hurricanes, as well as active learning among students and their instructors. These networked 3-D teams from research, education and industry will be able to work together across a variety of computer platforms and devices, from laptops to cell phones.


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